
20.07.2023, Version

12beAdmin.xaml: Update Layout Textbox. add LAPS Password field, Change font because of LAPS, add scroll bar
12beAdmin.ps1: Update Error Handling, Error now in textbox, add LAPS support, change to 24h logfile, extend history to 999 lines, add username and date/time to history to history, Remote still under construction.

13.12.2022, Version

Howto Update
Replace: 12beAdmin.ps1 and .\xaml\12beAdmin.xaml
Copy .\Phrase\Dic1.txt and .\Phrase\Dic1.txt, Fill files with content you like. Actually containing colors and cities of NRW and BaWü

New Features:
– History of the last 10 User/Password combinations
– Open mstsc.exe to the target with the credential generated

21.11.2021, Version

Initial Start